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Coach Jessica K: AAAHHHHHH!!! STRESS!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So I sit here with a MILLION things I should be doing.  And yes, they are all on my to-do list.  But I'm tired.  And stressed.  And my body is falling apart.  And I JUST DON'T WANNA!

But of course I will.  This summer semester class is my job and they are paying me to do it.  I just have to push aside the fact that I'm not getting other things done because I'm so busy teaching -- like my research.  I just have to not think about the fact that I'm teaching 4 classes next fall (an overload -- regular semester I get three) and taking on 4 research students (which I don't get "credit" for as teaching a class OR get extra pay) and wondering how it's all going to get done.  Sigh.  I just have to get through until August 24th and then I have a few days off in which I can worry about the fall semester.  And research, well, I'll worry about that until I get a grant and get some papers published.  

I've got to try and keep my body from falling apart though.  I've been eating healthy and exercising almost every single day -- both of which I know to counter act the effect of stress on my body.  But I'm getting worn down.  And I'm sleeping twice a day -- about 6-7 hours at night and then 1-2 hours every afternoon (at least during the work week when I get up early).  I'm ok with the twice a day thing although I can only do this until fall semester starts.  But I'm getting acne -- which I've learned is a sign that things inside of me are getting out of whack -- especially when, like now, it's encountered with numerous canker sores.  This probably means that what I CAN'T see is my colon being inflamed and possibly trying to flare up.  

I'm not sure what more I can do to prevent it but make an effort to keep up eating well and exercise.  For the next few days, I may replace a second meal with Shakeology to help (more details on Shakeology, health, and me here).  When possible, I will sleep when I feel like I need to.  And I will TRY not to feel guilty for losing myself in a good book.  I haven't had the time to read a fiction book in over a year.  And I feel bad for taking the time to do it even though I know the stress relief is good for me.  I have the problem that although I get in bed to read a chapter at 12 am, when I decide to put the book down, it's 1:30 am.  Sigh.  I guess I need to read books that aren't so good, huh?

I have to thank all of the girls and guys doing my shakeology 5-day challenge this week.  It is you guys and the fact that I feel like I should be an example during this time that has kept me from buying a cherry coke when I feel like I do now and making sure I've worked out every day.  Otherwise, I would probably fall into my old habits when stressed - bad eating and no exercise - which would just make the possibility of a full blown UC flare more likely.  And I guess now that I've taken the time to vent, it's time to have a nap and then write my exam.  Hope to be a less stressful person in the next couple of weeks!! 

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